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News & Events To Prevent Mortgage Default, Three Months of Cash is Key, According to New JPMorgan Chase Institute Research

To Prevent Mortgage Default, Three Months of Cash is Key, According to New JPMorgan Chase Institute Research



澳博官方网站app研究所(JPMorgan Chase Institute)今天发布的一项新研究表明,在所有收入水平的房主中,交割后流动性的三次抵押贷款支付是防止抵押贷款违约的关键, 这表明流动性是比房屋净值更有用的抵押贷款违约预测指标, income level, and payment burden—especially for borrowers with limited liquidity at closing.

Contrary to the conventional wisdom that larger down payments, and therefore lower loan-to-value (LTV) ratios, reduce default rates, 一种计划,允许房主在开始时提供略少的首付款,并将剩余现金保留在准备金账户中,从而保持较高水平的流动性, for use in the case of financial distress, may lead to lower default rates.

少于一个抵押贷款支付当量(MPE)交割后流动性的借款人的三年违约率为(1).8%),这比拥有3至4家MPEs的借款人高出5倍以上.3 percent). Further, 对于初始股本少2个百分点、但现金储备相当于三到四个mpe的借款人,违约率平均为1%.4 percentage points lower than default rates for borrowers with little liquidity.

“了解与抵押贷款违约相关的主要因素对于制定帮助美国人避免违约并保住房屋的解决方案至关重要,” said Diana Farrell, President and CEO, JPMorgan Chase Institute. “我们希望这项分析对帮助抵押贷款机构和服务机构制定防止未来违约的政策和计划有价值, 同时也帮助更多的人获得抵押贷款,并有机会拥有自己的房子.”

The new report, 流动性交易权益:流动性与抵押贷款违约关系的银行数据, 分析了一组同时拥有大通抵押贷款和存款账户的去身份化客户样本, 观察借款人的支票和储蓄账户余额,以确定在结束后不久和整个抵押贷款期限内的流动性. 该研究随后考察了不同流动性水平的借款人的违约率有何不同.

Key findings from the report include:

无论其房屋净值如何,流动性较差的借款人违约率要比流动性较好的借款人高得多, income level, or monthly mortgage payment burden. 因此,在初始阶段用股权交易换取更多流动性可能会降低违约率.

  • 交易结束后,流动性低于1个mppe的借款人违约率是流动性为3到4个mppe的借款人的5倍.
  • Borrowers with little liquidity made up a disproportionately high share of defaults. 在我们的样本中,交易结束后流动性少于一个MPE的房主占20%,但违约占54%.
  • 贷款价值比高2个百分点(净资产更少),但初始时mpe现金储备(流动性更多)为3 - 4个百分点的借款人,其3年违约率平均为1.4 percentage points lower than default rates for borrowers with little liquidity.

依赖于债务收入比(DTI)门槛的承销标准可能不是减少抵押贷款违约的最有效方法, 因为在开始时测量的总DTI不能解释未来收入波动或衡量家庭承受这种波动的能力.

  • For homeowners who defaulted, 无论他们的总DTI是否高于或低于合格抵押贷款规则的43%偿还能力门槛,违约之前都是收入下降.
  • 在所有初始DTI水平中,违约的房主中有一半的DTI低于1.4 MPEs of liquidity, and the median homeowner who did not default had more liquidity than those who did.

Mortgage modifications that increased borrower liquidity reduced default rates, 然而,增加借款人权益但使其资不抵债的修改并不会影响违约率.

  • 10%的付款减少(流动性增加)减少了22%的违约率.
  • 依赖于本金减少(股本增加)的修改对仍然资不抵债的借款人的违约率没有实质性影响.
  • 陷入财务困境的房主可以使用紧急抵押贷款储备账户,以与抵押贷款修改相同的方式为自己提供临时付款减少, through increased liquidity. Funded with three to four MPEs of liquidity, 紧急抵押贷款储备账户可以在一年内为陷入困境的房主提供25%至33%的还款减免,并帮助他们避免违约.


澳博官方网站app研究所是一家智库,致力于为公众利益提供数据丰富的分析和专家见解. Its aim is to help decision makers–policymakers, businesses, and nonprofit leaders–appreciate the scale, granularity, diversity, 以及全球经济体系的相互联系,利用及时的数据和深思熟虑的分析,做出更明智的决定,促进所有人的繁荣. Drawing on JPMorgan Chase & Co.’s unique proprietary data, expertise, and market access, 该研究所对全球经济的内部运作进行了分析和见解, frames critical problems, and convenes stakeholders and leading thinkers. For more information visit: JPMorganChaseInstitute.com.